Hands-on experiments and explorations are among the best way to learn the scientific method. Our mentorship philosophy revolves around guiding students/trainees to become not only proficient scientists but also critical thinkers, problem solvers, and collaborators. We consider the laboratory a place where students/trainees can apply theoretical knowledge, develop practical skills, foster a deep appreciation for the scientific process, and earn credits toward their Major requirements. We believe both the mentor(s) and mentee(s) learn and grow together in this process.

In the laboratory, we view the PIs as a facilitator of learning rather than an authority figure. We encourage active engagement and hands-on participation, providing students/trainees with opportunities to design and conduct experiments, analyze data, and draw meaningful conclusions. While we are readily available to offer guidance, we also believe in allowing students/trainees the freedom to explore and take ownership of their scientific inquiries. We actively encourage students/trainees to ask “why” and explore beyond the surface of their research. We are committed to creating a safe and inclusive space where mentees feel comfortable sharing their thoughts, fears, and aspirations without judgment. We seek to understand the needs and motivations of each individual and tailor our approach to their individual learning.

Collaboration and teamwork are vital components of scientific progress, and we emphasize their importance in the laboratory setting. We encourage students/trainees to work together, share ideas, and learn from one another’s perspectives. By fostering a collaborative spirit, students/trainees not only enhance their scientific skills but also develop valuable interpersonal and communication abilities that are essential for success in their future careers.

Research often is not a straight path, there can be many detours to interesting places because of serendipity or the way nature works. Part of the joy of learning is to explore/discover these new areas while balancing the need for a focus to make progress. For these reasons, we are dedicated to fostering a growth mindset in our mentees, helping them embrace failures as valuable learning opportunities, and encouraging perseverance in the face of adversity. When experiments do not yield the expected results, we encourage students/trainees to embrace these moments as chances to refine their approaches, learn from mistakes, and adapt their strategies. We provide constructive feedback and support, helping students/trainees develop resilience and the confidence to face challenges with a positive and determined attitude. Lastly, we are committed to guiding students/trainees toward becoming ethical and responsible scientists. We instill the values of integrity, honesty, and respect for research participants, colleagues, and the scientific community.